Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ThAnKs GiVinG...

I am loving the weather here in St. George. The kids and I came down here last week for my dear friend Libby's wedding in Vegas. It was such a fun wedding and I loved seeing her and a few of my friends from hygiene school.. So fun, so nostalgic being back in Vegas and catching up on things with my girls. So we stayed here and Aaron is coming down tonight and I am so happy, I've missed him and I'm glad he will get a little reprieve from all the work he has been doing on our new house...i need to post a few pics of it. So anyway, looking forward to seeing all of our family and enjoying Thanksgiving and I am so glad that we have just a little time to stop and remember all of our blessings....

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Family Pictures....

Jax 5 Months old

Riley 2 years old

Halloween....Bats, Ghost, Goblins

We Love Halloween at our house and Aaron would celebrate all year if he could and I have to say I am becoming quite fond of it too especially now that I have my babies! So Riley decided on his very own that he was going to be a bat...for a moment i panicked when I thought i was going to be making bat wings but luckily our neighbor had a cute bat costume that was perfect. And my mom had given Riley the little ghost costume but he never had a chance to use it so it was perfect for Jax! So they were the cutest Ghost and bat ever!

Sorry this one was with my phone and it was getting dark but I love his little face..

Friday, November 6, 2009

CraZy LiFe

So to say the last few months have been a bit hectic may be a slight understatment! We have been our share of busy and we are not quite there yet in terms of it being over with;) First, we sold our home on Traverse sort of quickly and unexpectedly but we were excited too. After looking quickly for a "good" deal.. We found a house that we fell in love with! Its on West Lehi on half of an acre and the kicker is that it is not quite finished....Hence the work has begun to finish it starting with getting the owner/builder construction loan which is by no means and easy task. Aaron will be doing alot but we had to get bids for everything and get all the other million loan things ready! It was non stop, but we finally closed yesterday! We are excited to get started and so now we are starting the really fun and hard part! I can't tell you how many Baby Enistiens Riley has been watching while to and from the house. And sad to say I have been on the phone way to much as of late. So we have moved and renting a friends house in the interm and are anxious to get in our new house! Other than that Jax is still to good to be true...totally sweet baby and Riley is perfectly fiesty firecracker and I love him! Hunter is with us too and I think he is finally adjusting....Such is life at the moment