Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bad Boy...

So remember my previous post about Mcforgetful not emptying his pockets and his cell phone being washed....(Which I have to say there was an overwhelming consensus that most of you were on my side and do not empty pockets either) Well, after that unfortunate event another tragedy occured! Aaron went about 2 days without taking a cell phone with him to work and by the third day he just had to have one so he begged to take mine.......Mistake....So he comes home that very day and says " If I tell you something bad will it ruin our night?" Okay that's a loaded question! Well, I am not a very patient person and I just had to know what he was talking about.....He shows me this....

What the BEEP is that all about!!!!!!!Now he is definitely on the naughty list!


martha corinna said...

Oh my gosh! YES!
You are a good wife.

Scott and Krista said...

Alright, it's official. Aaron is retarded!!! I sort of had a sneaky suspicion that he was, and now there is proof. When I first looked at the picture I thought that he had taken a cool picture of fireworks or something. I was thinking "what is she so angry about?". Then I ruined my firework fantasy and clicked on the picture. It's a good thing that picture blows up to 15 times the size of my computer screen because it really let me in on why Crystal was sooooo mad. Those fireworks instantly turned into the grand canyon of crackville. Nice work Aaron. By the way, do you want to borrow my phone? Krista and I have two.

Laurie said...

I can't stop laughing. That is too good. I know what both of you are getting for Christmas...

Marta said...

Geez! What was he doing? Body Slamming your phone????!!