Okay so Let me first just
apologize to my
co-workers at DC Dental....Yesterday we were having our monthy staff meeting, Dr L had bought us lunch and we were all eating at the table in the break room...Thankfully we were almost done when I was chewing my last bite of salad I started to take a drink out of my water bottle and I started to choke...I couldn't swallow my water and thanks to the bodies natrual regurgatation mechanisim, and with no time to even think about it and possibly TuRn AwAy!!!!....... I spit
(SpRaYeD)all the water in my mouth all over the table (You get the point...) I was so embarrassed it was like a movie scene playing out slowly in my mind! Did that really just HaPpEn? I am a total goof ball and do kindof emabarrasing things on a daily basis...Although this was a cake topper! I guess its Lifes way of telling us not to take ourselves to serously....Anyway, AgAiN I am sorry to all of those who had to witnes this display...On a positive note at least it was just water and not Friut Punch, Food Etc...?
RiGhT? So Embarrasing!