Friday, December 4, 2009


We we all having a good time gathered around the dinner table for Thanksgiving and he looks up at Aaron and says
Ry: Daddy......Sometimes.....Thanksgiving time means party time....

Then tonight he dropped and peanut on the floor and he says

Ry: Mommy(crying...) Zoey ate my nut!
Me: Did you drop it on the floor?
Ry: Uh uh
Me: anything that falls on the floor Zoey is going to eat....

A few minutes later Riley falls on the floor and said..
Ry: I falled on the floor, Zoey is can eat me.......I'm a NUT!

and I could not agree more!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ThAnKs GiVinG...

I am loving the weather here in St. George. The kids and I came down here last week for my dear friend Libby's wedding in Vegas. It was such a fun wedding and I loved seeing her and a few of my friends from hygiene school.. So fun, so nostalgic being back in Vegas and catching up on things with my girls. So we stayed here and Aaron is coming down tonight and I am so happy, I've missed him and I'm glad he will get a little reprieve from all the work he has been doing on our new house...i need to post a few pics of it. So anyway, looking forward to seeing all of our family and enjoying Thanksgiving and I am so glad that we have just a little time to stop and remember all of our blessings....

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Family Pictures....

Jax 5 Months old

Riley 2 years old

Halloween....Bats, Ghost, Goblins

We Love Halloween at our house and Aaron would celebrate all year if he could and I have to say I am becoming quite fond of it too especially now that I have my babies! So Riley decided on his very own that he was going to be a bat...for a moment i panicked when I thought i was going to be making bat wings but luckily our neighbor had a cute bat costume that was perfect. And my mom had given Riley the little ghost costume but he never had a chance to use it so it was perfect for Jax! So they were the cutest Ghost and bat ever!

Sorry this one was with my phone and it was getting dark but I love his little face..

Friday, November 6, 2009

CraZy LiFe

So to say the last few months have been a bit hectic may be a slight understatment! We have been our share of busy and we are not quite there yet in terms of it being over with;) First, we sold our home on Traverse sort of quickly and unexpectedly but we were excited too. After looking quickly for a "good" deal.. We found a house that we fell in love with! Its on West Lehi on half of an acre and the kicker is that it is not quite finished....Hence the work has begun to finish it starting with getting the owner/builder construction loan which is by no means and easy task. Aaron will be doing alot but we had to get bids for everything and get all the other million loan things ready! It was non stop, but we finally closed yesterday! We are excited to get started and so now we are starting the really fun and hard part! I can't tell you how many Baby Enistiens Riley has been watching while to and from the house. And sad to say I have been on the phone way to much as of late. So we have moved and renting a friends house in the interm and are anxious to get in our new house! Other than that Jax is still to good to be true...totally sweet baby and Riley is perfectly fiesty firecracker and I love him! Hunter is with us too and I think he is finally adjusting....Such is life at the moment

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Parenting with Love and LOGIC

So I am taking a parenting class at the rec center to help me cope with my stubborn 2 year old.....Wish me luck, but isn't he cute to look at?

Jax 4 MoNtH BdAy!!!

Jax turned four months old yesterday on the 2nd, So here is my little Jaxer Boy...not much to say other than he is an absolute angel baby still....He has really not started to to try to roll or anything because he is perfectly content just sitting/laying and watching all the craziness around him..(AKA big brother Riley).... Although he is growing expentially fast..I'm loving him so much!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gotta LOVE babies in hats...

Jax is 3 months fast

Riley's Latest...

Riley is so funny....He has a huge personaltiy and says some funny stuff, here are a few of the latest..and remember he is only 2 and a half:)

Me: look Riley we are going to you see those golden arches?

Riley: Golden betcha...

As we pull up to the maverick...
Riley: I'm want a bug juice......(he says this about 5 times)

Finally Riley says: I'm NEED and bug juice....GEEZ!

So Cute....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jax is Blessed...

We had Aaron's big Lee Family reunion a few weeks ago and thought it would be the perfect oppurtunity to bless Jax while most all the Family was there. Aaron did the blessing in the Kanosh park on the 26th of July. It was such a sweet and surene experiance...there was somthing about being outside on a quite Sunday morning that just made the spirit feel so strong...It was lovley. Great Grandpa Lee was as well and made a few sweet remarks and it was just truly awesome. Here are a few photos from the reunion and the blessing...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Days...

So every summer about this time I have a birthday...I was really done counting at 25 but I guess everyone else wasn't. But yes it came again and I am another year older now 27 and wiser too...maybe. All I can say is that I woke up and it felt like an average day at home with my kids and then all my good friends, family, and neighbors called and Hope and Aspen even came over with lunch for us! Even my book club girls celebrated for me, and once again by the end of the day it really was a great Birthday! Aaron even went to the MALL to pick me out a gift...(totally out of his confort zone) but so sweet;)So I guess it is not so bad if they keep coming.... Oh, but the festivites did not stop there, when we went to Mesquite the following weekend Aaron's mom threw me a little party Here is Jax and I with my birthday cake...Once again so Sweet;)

We had a great 4th of July...Hunter was here to visit and we did all sorts of fun summer things. I am just soaking up all this summmer sun and hope it sustains me all year.
What we have been doing ...Seven Peaks, 4th, eating an entire HUGE bag of kettle corn, fireworks, and a new trampoline...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Lehi Horse Parade..

So I took Riley and Aspen to the horse parade in Lehi for Lehi Round up Days...It is just a little parade but I wanted to take him to one because we were going to be out of town for the big one on Saturday... He loved it...He loves horses and is just getting the concept of the candy dash and grab. I love summer time and all the little festivites. I love these shots( thanks to Julie;) those blue eyes...I hope they never change! I think he is just inspecting his candy in the other pic...not sure but so cute;)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Finding a new normal for our little family...

So our family is gone and we are here alone trying to figure out our new life with our sweetie Jax. Thankfully I have an awesome husband who has all ways been very hands on but now more than ever I have needed and enjoyed his help! Aaron has been so great with Riley, although he never ceases to tell me how we need to potty train Ry Guy after all the diapers he has changed over the last almost 2 Having 2 babies is really when it becomes a team effort. We had a great time with my family this last week and I am so grateful for their help, Thanks so much sis and mom! (FYI)- my sister is an amazing cook so as you can imagine there was no shortage of delectable food while they were here. Yummy, although not helping with the baby weight;)
Saturday was kinda rainy again but for a few minutes it was nice and we got our kites out and I snapped this cute photo of my boys...

Here are a few photos of our last week...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He is Here!!! Baby Jax Landon Woods

So our new baby is an absolute ANGEL! He is so sweet and good, we are just loving him up. He came in at 7 lbs 6 oz and 19.5 inches long, born June 2 at 7:30 am. My in laws came to stay with Ry Guy while we were in the Hospital and that was so sweet of them! Thanks to everyone around us ( you know who you are;) for all your love and support! We live in an awesome neighborhood! There is nothing like having a baby at home and all is falling into place. My mom and sister are here helping me out right now so life is good.. Here our a few pics of the little guy, Enjoy

Monday, May 18, 2009

A little boy and his new Red Wagon

So for Riley's birthday back in January I had a gift card to use and I wanted to get Riley a wagon...Okay these are not cheap like you might expect..( note to self) Anyway, I realized that I must get the double one with our blessed event coming up soon. So I finally got the wagon now that it is spring time!!!! Then it sat in the garage for a few a weeks because there was "assembly required" but alas I put the wagon together and we took it on our first walk last night. Riley absolutly LOVES it and kinda threw a little tantrum when we were done and did not get out literally for 30 mins we finally had to bribe him with 2 dum dums and even then it took some cohersion.....So Cute, I snapped these photos of him just sitting in the wagon in the garage....thinking about life and why his ride had to come to an end?


I was looking through the camera and realized that I must of forgot to post about this little story...So Riley's little friend Evan (who lives across the street) came over one night for a few hours. Which is great because it keeps Riley entertained and they have a good time together. While I was doing.....Whatever? (Who Knows?) I realized that they had been in Riley's room for a while and they were quite so sure enough I open the door to discover first of all that the door handle was very slimy and slippery and the smell of menthol filled the room! They had gotten into the Vicks Vapor rub! And let me just say that is hard to CLEAN UP! But it was so funny because they both had unzipped their jammies partially in the front to apply it to their chest...I loved it! Riley seems to have no interest in really "getting into" things (believe me he gives me other challenges!) so this was kinda a first for him and thanks to Evan they were able to unscrew the lid...Anyway, here are the Crime Scene Photos... Enjoy

Friday, April 17, 2009

Milestones and Photos

How sweet is this...(disclaimer) sorry they are taken on my phone so not so great of Quality;)

Okay so here is the new JEEP ta dah!!!!

We headed to Mesquite for Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's...Riley Loves to go there...This was our first LONG trip in the car since we have given up the BINKY, so we were a little nervous about how long the trip was actually going to feel! But to our surprise he did great and did not even ask for it once! I could not believe it and what I really realized it that I was the one holding on to it I think in an effort to keep him small and hold on to his fleeting babyhood. It was not really planned to take it away since he really only had it in the car and at night when he went to bed but one day he was looking for it and he says

Riley: "where's Rileys bo bo go?" (as he was shrugging his shoulders and then he says)

Riley:"Big Truck took Bo bo's all gone?"

(Right then I had a light bulb turn on and I seized the opportunity and said...)

Me: "YES, the big truck did take your bo bo and gave them to all the little babies." My baby is a GENIUS...It totally made sense to him and he has the perfect cause and effect!

Well, it worked! We have not needed it since and really we don't even miss it...It's amazing how some things are easier than expected!
The next big thing we conquered this week was moving Riley to his new room downstairs. Again no Problem, he did so good and I think that the new car and truck sheets helped! So were doing good and getting ready for the baby, although (and I'm sure every 2nd mom can relate) I don't want to rush my little Ry Guy to grow up to fast.

Here is Riley coloring Easter Eggs with a marker.....

And here is the final product....

Monday, March 30, 2009

Alot to talk about...

So Aaron and I took Ry Guy to Disney on Ice a few weeks ago....And if you had asked me a few months ago I would say that there is no way that he could sit through it...but oh how a few months can change a little guy! His attention span is improving and he is getting alot better at taking places! Thank goodness! SO it was so fun and we loved looking at his face when he finally saw Mickey and Minne that we had been talking about!

Aaron got a new Ride!!! For those of you who know him you know he LOVES jeeps and has had 4! The last one he has had since he was 16! Well, we are about to grow out of it with Baby #2 so we upgraded to the 4 door jeep wrangler!

As for me things have been up and down with the work situation but I think I figured it out at least until the baby comes. I'll be working Tue and Thurs and possibly starting with a Dr that I worked with a few years ago after the baby comes...I have learned in the last few months that the only person who is looking out for me in the work world is Me! I won't get into the details but....I'm sure it will all work out I mean what other choice do I have?

Riley is getting so Big! He is just as independent as a he is smart! He is learning and putting sentences and words together just as fast as we can teach him. He retains even the smallest bits of information! His favorite phrases right now are...
No Mommy
No Daddy
Like It(aka No, I don't like it)
No Like THIS Mommy/Daddy
Bun(aka Fun)
He loves to play hide and seek and like he is a monster! Loves Choo Choo Trains of all sorts!
Today I took him to the Kangaroo Zoo and wore him out completely! He is so much fun to hang out with and I wonder how our little dynamics will change with our new little guy! Although we are so excited about the baby though and only have 2 more months although he can take as long as he needs! We are getting Riley's room ready downstairs so hopefully that transition will go be continued ;)

Pictures pertaining to this blog will be added shortly....I'm a little to lazy watching my Lifetime movie, on my laptop downstairs while Riley sleeps to go and get my camera.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Our Little Get Away....

So Aaron and I just got back last week from Florida for a small vacation!! We had so much fun, we went to Disney World, and just hung out together! We were so tired after this vaca and we didn't even have Riley! He stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa Woods in Mesquite..he was totally spoiled by all the Aunts and cousins and of course Grandma and Grandpa! He did really good and I don't think he missed us at All! It was so fun for us to get away together. You really don't realize how much attention a little Two year old takes! Besides the fact that my feet were the size of watermelons after walking for 6 days straight...( I swear we walked about 20 miles) I felt really good! Ready for another vacation, maybe a beach where we do nothing all day!

Here is Riley enjoying the warm Nevada weather on Grandma and Grandpa's porch...They sent this to us while we were gone and I love this shot...So Sweet

Monday, February 9, 2009

Birthday Bash #2!

We had a little party for Riley at Pirates Island Pizza in St. George! It was actually a really fun place to have his party and I think all the cousins had a great time. We had mostly family there and that ended up being about 20 people or so...We ate pizza, played in the arcade, Riley played in the little pirate place( so cute), opened presents and of course had chocolate cake from costco and ice cream! It was a blast!

He wouldn't part with his "bones" baloons for the rest of the trip =)

Just a small little pizza affair.....

Gramy helping Riley play wack a mole.

Okay...I ordered this cake over the phone...a littly girly with the flowers but Ry guy really didn't care!

Grandpa teaching Ry how to handle a riffle......