Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Note to Self......

Okay so my good friend Krista comes over and asks for help bleaching her hair.....I have no idea what I am doing!!! Thank goodness Hope was available to come and bail us out of a potentially dangerous situation! With a little tin foil and a paint brush ( Ya, a paint brush...) we had perfectly good highlights! So note to self....I cant do hair! Thanks Hope!

Sorry I forgot the after shot but it looked beautiful!

1 comment:

Leslee said...

I've tried to "pretend" that I can be a hairdresser. The foiling stuff looks so easy to do so I did it on my friend. Let's see...not that easy! It actually turned out okay, thank goodness!!! I've also done multiple haircuts - you just have to act confident and you can sucker anyone into it! Yes, I have had some disasters!